
Friday, April 30, 2021

How I use my digital journal and planner

My digital planner journey has been like a roller coaster ride.

I am learning to draw in Procreate. I am learning to create PDFs and templates in Canva. I am watching classes Skillshare.

While doing all this I am using my digital journal to make notes and record ideas and write about my progress and plans.

This is a page from my journal: It is so easy to add photos

I use my digital planner to mark in important dates. I also use my weekly page to write my focus for the week and write in what I am grateful for. I also keep track of my achievements. I log my receipts for personal and business items and I add in notes to self like an image of a shop page with something I want to save for.

This is a page from my planner: I had just finished making my Spring sticker set!

I use the monthly page and the weekly pages. I don't have a use for the daily pages. 

I love that it doesn't matter how messy or crowded the page is. It is so easy to move and resize and delete items. If I need to write something on one of the days I can just delete or move the stickers.

I just finished designing an open book style planner. Being retired I find I don't need to squeeze in lots of meetings or deadlines so I find the open book design nice to use because it looks like a book. 

The smaller pages just look nice. You can insert the calendar pages into this notes book or you can add them to the Planner.

The planner in my shop has blank monthly pages starting with Monday or Sunday and notes pages with dots or lines in various combinations.
I plan to use the same background for a little collection of books so the covers can be changed around and the pages can be mixed however you choose.
I have started with this planner and will offer the blue My Notes one soon.

Happy Planning and Journaling,


Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Organising my receipts with my digital planner

Until I got my digital planner I would have trouble deciding where to put things to keep them safe.

Only when I got my digital planner did I finally decide that I only needed digital copies of my receipts.

Until this year I felt that I had to have both paper and digital records but since most of my receipts are in email form I felt it was time to make all my receipts digital.

I now take photos of paper receipts and screen shots of receipts that were emailed to me.

It is such a relief to have finally made this decision. I am of an age where keeping receipts in a box or folder was the only way to keep them. Times have changed and I have finally moved on.

Using my digital planner to keep my receipts in order is so easy and convenient.

I use the Monthly Spending pages to keep receipts for my business supplies and personal purchases.

Each month I select those pages in Goodnotes and export them as a PDF to save in the cloud and on my desktop. I feel safe that I will be able to access them when I need them. However, I have weighed up the chances that Apple cloud will disappear compared to my house burning down and destroying paper items. The likelyhood of either happening is slim.

So how do I do it?

  1. I take screen shots of my emails so they end up in Photos.
  2. I then go to my planner Spendings page and add the screen shot to the relevant page.
  3. I then fill out the index page with the item and cost and date.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Crafting the perfect digital planner

Looking for the perfect planner

There is probably no such thing as the perfect planner - digital or otherwise.

However, I have spent a couple of months working out how best to include space for all the things I want to record.

Some of these things are:

  • appointments
  • receipts for things I buy for myself or the household
  • recipes I find in the Coles magazine
  • receipts for major bills
  • records for the payments of subscriptions
  • photos I take on my morning walk

  • something I learnt about goal setting in the email I read this morning
  • an idea I have for a new doll dress pattern
  • things I am grateful for
  • a list of achievements for the week or month
  • cute doodles I drew in Procreate
  • a folder tree for the items I am creating for my digital planner shop
My calendar section is a self contained 12 months. All dated for ease of use.
Wherever you are inside the calendar section you can click on the little house icon and get back to the first page with the whole year calendar.

After spending every day for a while now using my digital planner I have come to the conclusion that tabs like a paper planner are not all that useful.

I find it easier to go back to my documents sections and click on a new notebook for the thing that I want. I don't have to swap from pen to stylus which I find annoying. Just touch back to documents and touch the section notebook that you want.

I have all the notebooks I am using for my planner marked as favourites to make them easy to find.

Being organised makes me happy

Well... you get the idea. There are lots of little things that can make my life better if I have a place for them and I know where they are.

Something I tend to do a lot is start an idea that I want to come back to later. Trouble is, bits of paper get lost, journal pages get forgotten, space for more thoughts is used up for something else.

With a digital notebook I can put an idea on a page, list that idea in a contents page then add in as many pages as I need for that idea or future ideas. If I have a 31 page notebook with an index I can fill that notebook with 31 ideas and start a new notebook if I have more than 31 ideas and everything is sneatly aved in one place.

Here is one of my 31 page notebooks. This one has photo frame layout pages and is perfect for journaling every day of the month. You can export it each month as a PDF to keep in your iBooks. The quality of the photos and text is really good and it even prints out quite respectably.

Use the index page to see what is inside with just a glance. No need to write something for every page but some pages will have items you want to come back to.

What I like about this is that it doesn't matter if I don't look at those ideas again for 6 months, 12 months or 3 years. I can store them in a Goodnotes folder called ideas and come back to them whenever I like.

If I have more than one note about the same idea I can easily bring them together too.

Choose the sections that you want

  • I created my new planner with separate notebooks for each section.
  • I can easily insert extra pages.
  • At the end of the year I can store the notebooks into folders by section or by year.
  • To set up for the next year I just need a new dated planner notebook and copies of all the other sections that I already have saved in my clean copies folder.
The sections that I use all the time are:
  • The calendar planner with dates and weekly pages and monthly expenses, goals, review.
  • The Bills and Budget notebook
  • The Recipe notebook 
  • The Goals for 2021 notebook
  • The Daily Journal notebook
  • The Places to Visit notebook (for the day when I can feel safe on a plane again for domestic travel)
I also have a notebook for my 5 year plans.

With big titles for each book it is easy to open the one that I want. 

Happy Planning,